The short version:

When you import audio, and it goes through its processes (autotrim, normalization, etc) does it actually change anything on the audio file itself, or does all the processing occur non-destructively [as in database parameters]?

The longer explanation:

Due to a variety of reasons [one of which is the systems just stops outputting audio about once a week], I am going to be replacing my very first Rivendell system that is based on the appliance v1 with a newer system based on appliance v2.

I really do NOT feel comfortable trying to backup the database, move the audio, and restoring the database. We luckily happen to have an opportunity to "start fresh", and I only need a couple hundred songs off the original system. My intention is the copy the audio, and "import" them into the new system.

Any flaws with that plan?

Thank you so much,

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