Thanks Tim, appreciate the advice and it all made perfect sense (unbelievably since I am new to Linux).

I am not THAT afraid of backup/restore, but there are some little things that bother me about this transition from v1 to v2. I really don't want to bore with all the tech details, but here are a few:

I had a thread that I let die...This v1 will go off air for no apparent reason about once a week. No errors, no crashes, RDAirplay keeps on trucking along like everything is fine, but the only thing that comes out of the soundcard when this happens is silence. A reboot fixes it, and it hasn't happened again since this was brought to my attention so I don't know if just closing/reopening RDAirplay is enough to bring it back. I suspect a faulty sound card, but all this is moot point for now since I am going to be replacing the machine with v2. *In the off chance something in the database is doing it, I don't want to take the chance of moving the issue to the new machine*.

I can't remember exactly where, but something in rdadmin on this v1 machine (I think its manage services) I have the same service listed TWICE. I don't know how that happened, or what ramifications that might have. I delete them, recreate one, and it shows up twice again.

I did a very poor job of setting this one up. Never having been a jock, pd, etc I am at a huge disadvantage when setting up automation. I wanted to automate EVERYTHING. The pd at the time insisted he wanted almost complete manual control of everything, such as picking the music to be inserted in between syndicated programing (which is obtained via download). He also wanted to manually insert the segments for all the syndicated programming. Long story short, he was the ONLY ONE who knew the system (besides me, and that's not saying much), and he QUIT.

Anyway, can you say "Train Wreck", so now we have them "life boating" by completely doing away with all syndicated programming for now, and I am madly at work getting v2 setup COMPLETELY AUTOMATED this time. We are doing music logs from our location, and they are doing traffic logs from theirs.

I know this was all poorly planned, and I accept some responsibility for this mess, but I wasn't ready for my very first Rivendell system to go to production, but apparently they thought I was.

Anyway, so I am making a fresh start, and is one of the reasons I have flooded the list lately with so many questions, and those are just a few of the reasons why I don't really want to do a "restore" in this particular instance.

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