It is interesting, I was just going to respond something similar to what
Fred said.

My own general rule of thumb is that if it is mission-critical and needs
as close to realtime as you can get (such as the role of main audio
playout at a radio station would fall under both of these IMHO) then I
would not recommend running it virtualized.  Pick up some additional
hardware and you'll have much better results (even if you have to go
with older used gear off ebay)

It is one thing to set up a virtualized test environment of Rivendell /
RDAirplay to try the system out and see if it can do what is needed.
However when putting into production I would not run RDAirplay and / or
the database / /var/snd store in a virtualized environment.  Aside from
timing issues, the other thing to consider - if that 1 computer ever has
hardware trouble, loses a power supply, has a capacitor go bad, loses a
hard drive, etc. - then your entire plant goes down and it could take
you a while to recover and get back up and running.  PD's generally
don't like to hear that emergency-audio loop running all that long.  On
the other hand, if you have separate computers for your server (/var/snd
and MySQL), studio, and on-air, have a spare computer on the shelf and
set up with Rivendell and a copy of the config files for each
workstation, and keep a hot-standby server with your /var/snd and MySQL
database backed up then you can get back up and running in very little
time in the event of a failure.  Or if you have multiple studios with
the way Rivendell works you can easily run your main on-air RDAirplay /
log from another studio quickly and easily.

Anyways, just something to think about

Lorne Tyndale

> On 6/2/14, 13:19 42, Peter van Embden wrote:
> > *He says: state that everything is running on one server, virtualized.*
> I think you've just fingered the root underlying issue.
> Virtualization adds an entire additional layer of complexity.  Rivendell 
> is an inherently real-time application, whereas most hypervisors are 
> optimized for non-real-time workloads.  I strongly suspect that you have 
> some sort of priority inversion going on between the server and guest 
> instances.
> What kind of hypervisor are you using, and how do you have it tuned? 
> KVM in particular can become quite flaky if you ask it to run more guest 
> instances than there are CPU cores available to service them.
> Cheers!
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |            Chief Developer               |
> |                           |            Paravel Systems               |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |       A room without books is like a body without a soul.            |
> |                                      -- Cicero                       |
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