Nice tip Wayne thank you! We experienced the same problem and checking
in the Apache log:
[Mon Nov 17 10:52:15 2014] [error] [client] Script timed out
before returning headers: rdxport.cgi
Thank you!

2014-11-19 15:24 GMT+01:00 Wayne Merricks <>:
> Hi,
> Just a thought are you running into the apache script time out limit?  I'd
> imagine a 52minute mp3 would take some time to import and apache's default
> time outs are quite conservative by default.
> Wayne Merricks
> The Voice Asia
> On 19/11/14 07:34, Geoff Barkman wrote:
>> I've set up Rivendell dropboxes for my friends Radio Station.
>> Running Lubuntu 14.04 Rivendell v 2.9.3
>> His machine is also identical specs to mine. Apart from having more
>> ram and 20 thousand songs in the database. My system has about half of
>> that.
>> I've made shared folders that his production machine saves files to
>> (using samba). These shared folders are dropboxs for a series of carts
>> in his system.
>> The problem we are having with his system is Files not importing...
>> deleting the existing audio and leaving an empty cart. We then have to
>> manually import which sometimes works. We get an Audio Error OK... but
>> the file has imported.
>> The Audio carts are about 52 minutes long (128k mp3) ... should I make
>> them half that length?
>> Any thoughts
>> Geoff Barkman
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