
as others have said, it is possible.

The way i do it:
# live_OB.sh
if [ "$1" = "onAir" ]
        # define ip of rdairplay machine
        # inform users in the studio
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} LC\ red\ live\ outside\ stream!
        # stop any recording
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} RR\ 1!
        # fade out and stop main log
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} PS\ 1\ 3000!
        # now data and record using a cart specific to the show
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} RS\ 1\ 10055\ 1\ 10800000!
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} SN\ now\ 1\ 10055!
        # manual mode
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} PM\ 3!

        # read stream
        # -loop 0 ensures the autoreconnection to the stream if needed
screen -DmS autolive mplayer -loop 0 -af volume=-10:0 -ao jack:name=extStream http://www.myicecastserver.com:8000/myOutsideStream.ogg &
        sleep 5s &&
# this is for monitoring on the studio board, as audio computer does not pass through the board
        jack_connect extStream:out_0 system:playback_3
        jack_connect extStream:out_1 system:playback_4

if [ "$1" = "offAir" ]
        pkill mplayer
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} RR\ 1!
        # auto
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} PM\ 2!
        # restart log
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} PN\ 1!
        rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} SN\ now\ 1\ 10001!
        rmlsend --to-host= LC\ black\ mainlog\ on\ air!

Then, use crontab for automatic connection and disconnection (be sure that the outside stream will be working on time):
00 18   * * 2   /home/studio/scripts/live_OB.sh onAir
00 19   * * 2   /home/studio/scripts/live_OB.sh offAir

Hope it helps.

On 03/22/2015 02:33 AM, Nicholas Young wrote:
I'm in the process of replacing my current automation system with Rivendell, 
and I realized that I still have one question unresolved:

Is it possible to insert a remote stream in Rivendell at a certain time?

Here's the scenario:

We'll be doing a remote broadcast. From the remote location, we will generate a 
new Icecast stream, and uplink it to our central Icecast server. Meanwhile, 
back at our HQ, Rivendell is rocking along playing tunes on full automation. If 
everything works according to plan, Rivendell will grab the new Icecast stream 
and insert it into the queue and play it as a source for the duration of our 
show, then return to normal business, playing out music tracks.

Is this possible?

Thanks for your patience and expertise. I know I've had a lot of posts here, 
and you all have been very gracious and helpful.

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