On Sat, 21 Mar 2015, Nicholas Young wrote:

We'll be doing a remote broadcast. From the remote location, we will generate a new Icecast stream, and uplink it to our central Icecast server. Meanwhile, back at our HQ, Rivendell is rocking along playing tunes on full automation. If everything works according to plan, Rivendell will grab the new Icecast stream and insert it into the queue and play it as a source for the duration of our show, then return to normal business, playing out music tracks.

A live remote broadcast is easy; my client Langer Broadcasting (redeabr.com) does it every day. They have several programmers who use Barix Instreamers to feed Exstreamers at the station; each of these is wired to an input on a Broadcast Tools SS16x4 switcher. Three of the four switcher outputs feed radio stations (WSRO 650 AM; WZBR 1410 AM; WBAS 1240 AM). Rivendell needs only to switch the appropriate Exstreamer (say, "Barix 6") to the correct station or combination of stations, for the duration of the broadcast.

My client actually has three Rivendell machines, one for each station; one is the "master", connected directly to the switcher, while the other two send RML commands to it to tell the switcher what to do. Any audio source can therefore feed any combination of stations, as necessary.

However, it sounds like you might be talking about *recording* a remote feed for later rebroadcast. We don't do that, but we could do so by taking the fourth switcher output, using it to feed a record input on Rivendell, and recording the feed via rdcatch.

I did not mention that one of the stations, WBAS 1240 AM, is 90 miles away from the other two, in a different market; its Rivendell machine is at its transmitter site. That machine has to be able to talk to the switcher back at WSRO, and one of the beauties of Rivendell is that it can do that via RML.

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