Specifically talk radio:

If I were scheduling an hour of live-assist, specifically talk, I would 
want to be able to schedule a bunch of talk blocks, separated by spot 
blocks, leading up to a hard-post legal ID at 59:50.

I'd want to be able to set minimum durations on the talk blocks but no 
start time, and 'soft' start times on the first spot in each stopset 
but not the rest, and have the automation visibly show me where I am 
in the hour, and squeeze the talk blocks as I miss the soft start times, 
until I manually start the first spot in each one, so I can see visibly 
how much time is left in the hour.


00:00 Bumper
00:15 TALK Min 14:00
15:00 Spot 1 :30
Spot 2 :30
Spot 3 :30
Promo :15
Bumper :10
TALK Min 9:00
30:00 Spot 4 :30
Spot 5 :60
Spot 6 :30
Bumper :10

{ yada yada }

TALK Min 5:00
TALK Outro Min 2:00
Bumper :30
59:50-Hard Legal ID

Can Rivendell do anything that resembles that (yet)?  :-)

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       j...@baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates       http://www.bcp38.info          2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA      BCP38: Ask For It By Name!           +1 727 647 1274
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