Hi All, just thought I¹d throw something in.

I have been doing a little playing around of late as I recently purchased
some thin clients.

For a while now I have been running RD in a Vmware environment
successfully running up to 10 stations on one system.

Now I have recently discovered that ENCO have a virtualised setup and
utilise thin clients for accessing the playout, all audio is routed via IP.

Being that RD can utilise Axias IP software sound card for stations who
use Axia could also run RD under Vmware.

Now normally you would connect to these virtual Pcs using VNC, however
I¹ve found x2go client/server to work quite nicely.

By running x2go server on the RD system I connect to the to it from a thin
client running the x2go client and published apps.

You can then natively bring Rdairplay through and it¹s like you¹re
operating from a physical system.

It all works quite nicely.

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