Well, I got a server/client install going with some very helpful
instructions from Wayne Merrick. I used Ubuntu server on  a desktop pc as
the server called rdserver and a banana pro pi computer as the client using
debian wheezy. I was able to get it on mysql and everything was working
great. I made some changes in rdadmin trying to get the right sound card
set up and some other changes. I saved them and rebooted both machines. Now
never machine will bring up rivendell. It says rivendell daemons failed to
start. I tried sudo service rivendell start  and  sudo
/etc/init.d/rivendell start on both machines. Nothing. I have confirmed
/var/rivendell/run is on the server machine. There is a file in there named
caed.pid. I have scoured the forums to find an answer to no avail. Mysql is
working on both machines; I can log into it fine. Something is preventing
the daemons from starting and not sure what it it. This is my first
experience with a network setup, so any help would be much appreciated.
Seth Stevenson
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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