
You need /var/run/rivendell on every machine that has Rivendell on it.

If you run caed from a terminal you'll see an error something like:

error writing pid /var/run/rivendell permission denied.

First of all make sure this directory exists:

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/run/rivendell

Next make sure Rivendell can write to this directory

$ sudo chgrp rivendell /var/run/rivendell
$ sudo chmod g+rwx /var/run/rivendell

This should solve your daemons problems. If it doesn't make sure your logged in users are part of the rivendell group e.g.:

$ sudo adduser waynemerricks rivendell

... would add me to the rivendell group. If that fixes it reboot to make sure.

If it still breaks when you restart you can try amending the rivendell init script:

$ sudo nano /etc/init.d/rivendell

On line 33 (Ctrl + C to show the line number) you'll see this:

install --directory --mode 02775 --owner=*root* --group="$AUDIOGROUP" $PIDDIR

If I wanted to change this owner to my logged in user (e.g. waynemerricks) I would do this:

install --directory --mode 02775 --owner=*waynemerricks*** --group="$AUDIOGROUP" $PIDDIR

Reboot again and it should work every time.



On 07/03/16 16:26, Seth Stevenson wrote:
I will check logs. /etc/rd.conf are the same. I have mysql client on the client machine, but am using the database on the server so it should be the same, correct?

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 11:23 AM, David Klann <dkl...@linux.com <mailto:dkl...@linux.com>> wrote:

    Hash: SHA256

    Hey Seth,

    Others will likely have additional input on this. Without logs, it's
    difficult to predict why the daemons are not starting. Check in
    /var/log/syslog for evidence of errors. Also make sure that the
    parameters in /etc/rd.conf are sane, e.g., AudioOwner and
    AudioGroup, as
    well as the MySQL settings on both machines.

    Hope this helps!

      ~David Klann

    On 03/07/2016 10:18 AM, Seth Stevenson wrote:
    > Well, I got a server/client install going with some very helpful
    instructions from Wayne Merrick. I used Ubuntu server on  a desktop pc
    as the server called rdserver and a banana pro pi computer as the
    using debian wheezy. I was able to get it on mysql and everything was
    working great. I made some changes in rdadmin trying to get the right
    sound card set up and some other changes. I saved them and
    rebooted both
    machines. Now never machine will bring up rivendell. It says rivendell
daemons failed to start. I tried sudo service rivendell start and sudo
    /etc/init.d/rivendell start on both machines. Nothing. I have
    /var/rivendell/run is on the server machine. There is a file in there
    named caed.pid. I have scoured the forums to find an answer to no
    Mysql is working on both machines; I can log into it fine.
    Something is
    preventing the daemons from starting and not sure what it it. This
    is my
    first experience with a network setup, so any help would be much
    > --
    > Seth Stevenson
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Seth Stevenson

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