
The Pi build is basically the same as Debian 6. I've put it on an original Pi a few years ago.


The issue with Jessie is QT3 is a pain to get going manually but if you add the tryphon source repos you should be fine.



On 24/04/16 00:00, drew Roberts wrote:
Just a little FYI for anyone interested.

I have spend a good part of the day getting rivendell sort of running on a new Raspberry Pi 3.

It has been a log time since I compiled anything significant or made and packages, etc. In light of this, I am sure I did some foolish things getting this going today. (I can't get rdxport.cgi to run for instance, it insists on downloading. I can't see the wavform in rdlibrary either.

So, the gist of what I think I did in the end is add Tryphon's src line for debian Jessie. (That is the raspbian flavour that came with this Pi kit.) Tried building the deb the debian way but Had issues with the fact that I could not get the gpio stuff to compile on this kernel and that I could not get the audioscience stuff to be seen. I could not remember what to do on the debian side to tell it that those should be left off of the requirements. So I sort of did the manual .configure, make, sudo make install thing.

Current status is that rdairplay is running and playing a sample log of test tones and then looping.

Top shows: load average: 0.85, 0.84, 0.90

at this moment.

df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        58G  5.7G   49G  11% /

We hope this is enough for a small library...

We shall see how the box behaves.

If anyone would like to chat about this, I am in #rivendell on IRC as teak these days.

all the best,


Bahamain Or Nuttin - http://www.bahamianornuttin.com <http://www.bahamianornuttin.com/>

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