When you do a manual source install, you have to compile GPIO separately (it doesn't work on 3.x kernels). HPI is detected at the configure stage and also won't install (you're on a Pi).

I'm guessing that by using the tryphon src it is pulling in all of that without giving you an option. Download the source directly and follow the same steps:

wget http://www.rivendellaudio.org/ftpdocs/rivendell/rivendell-2.12.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf rivendell-2.12.0.tar.gz

cd rivendell-2.12.0

./configure --libexecdir=/var/www/rd-bin
sudo make install

That is pretty much it other than sorting out any init scripts to cope with /var/run/rivendell.

On 25/04/16 12:55, drew Roberts wrote:

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 7:18 AM, Wayne Merricks <waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com <mailto:waynemerri...@thevoiceasia.com>> wrote:


    The Pi build is basically the same as Debian 6.  I've put it on an
    original Pi a few years ago.


    The issue with Jessie is QT3 is a pain to get going manually but
    if you add the tryphon source repos you should be fine.

Thanks for the feedback Wayne.

I did:

apt-get source rivendell

from the tryphon repos.

From my first post one this subject:

"Tried building the deb the debian way but Had issues with the fact that I could not get the gpio stuff to compile on this kernel and that I could not get the audioscience stuff to be seen."

I probably should have solved that and proceeded in the normal debian way.

What I did was proceed with a more normal;
./configure --libexecdir=/var/www/rd-bin
sudo make install

route and then try fix issues  from there.

If you know off the top of your head, how would you tell the deb section to leave out the gpio and sudioscience bits?



all the best,


Bahamain Or Nuttin - http://www.bahamianornuttin.com <http://www.bahamianornuttin.com/>

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