On Wed, 1 Jun 2016, Fred Gleason wrote:

Actually, it’s a major PITR.  I’d have been far happier if RHEL had stuck
with stock MySQL.  That way, we could just fix this whole thing and move on.
 As it is, we now have to test against *two* different RDBMSes.  I don’t
understand the rationale for the whole MariaDB thing anyway.  “We don’t like
Larry Ellison” is not a valid reason for forking one of the central pieces
of FOSS infrastructure.

I think MariaDB got forked because someone suspected Oracle would take MySQL and make it closed source, as they did with OpenSolaris.

...and here I am thinking SQL is SQL. I'm really surprised someone would alter the behavior of MySQL from one version to the next such that currently deployed applications break. That strikes me as unwise, unless Oracle's goal is to drive people away from MySQL.


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