
Which version of the card is this?  I'm using an Audigy 2 card in a machine and 
have 3 separate analogue outputs.  I've also used a cheaper Audigy Live SE card 
and got all of the outputs to work as well.  I had to run the RDAlsaConfig 
program and define the cards though as by default only a single output is 
defined.  Once you have configured this, you should be able to use all of the 

Ooooh, nearly forgot, you may also need to turn up the outputs in alsamixer.  
You run this in a terminal.


 ---- On Thu, 23 Mar 2017 17:37:35 +0000 al davis <ad...@freeelectron.net> 
wrote ---- 
 > I'm trying to make Rivendell work on a Sound Blaster Audigy sound card, 
 > and support all of the outputs.   
 > In a simple sense, it works, but I want to use the rear, side, 
 > etc as separate outputs and that doesn't seem to work.  I want to use 
 > one output for rdairplay, a separate one for the aux logs, another for 
 > cue, another for the rdcatch decks, etc. 
 > I have done this several times with Asus sound cards and motherboards. 
 > They work exactly as I expect them to work. 
 > But the Sound Blaster ..  even though it has the extra jacks, it just 
 > puts the same audio on all of them.  In rdadmin, there is just one 
 > "port". 
 > Any ideas? 
 > al. 
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