On Tuesday 23 January 2018 04:08:32 pm Tim Camp wrote:
> I have typically gotten about 5 years out of Google quality sata drives
> before they start getting flaky. I have two drives nearing that mark and
> want to get ahead of it.

 OK, putting on my data recovery guy hat for a minute...

 "Google quality" means off the shelf consumer grade, and I concur !
 5 years is pushing it. Some go that long. Some longer, but some
 a whole lot less ! Still, bang for the buck on average is better than
 one can do otherwise, assuming ( as google does ) that there is a
 100% chance that any given drive will fail catastrophically, and having
 an in-place system to mitigate the drive loss.
 Losing a drive is a cost of doing business, but losing data is negligent.

 Having said that, I'm a big fan of Linux software RAID-1 mirrors,
 and an "on the shelf" backup.
 Then, let 'em go until one fails. When that happens, either replace
 the failed drive with one in-kind, and let the array rebuild, or create
 another RAID-1 with a missing drive, and copy from the failed old
 failed array onto the new "failed" array. When that finishes, add in the 
 missing drive to the new array, and let that array rebuild. This is mostly
 a technique for upgrading to a larger size in-place without down-time.
 If you have the drive slots, create the new array complete and copy to
 it in one step.

 Having said all that, when one of the drives does fail, expect the other
 half of that mirror, assuming same manufacturer, type, and age of drive,
 to fail within three weeks of the first.
 Usually, you'll have a day to get the data copied off of it before it goes,
 but remember I did mention that shelf backup !
 My shelf backup is usually an rsync update weekly or so.



Manual, n.:
        A unit of documentation.  There are always three or more on a
given item.  One is on the shelf; someone has the others.  The
information you need is in the others.
                -- Ray Simard
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