On 01/24/2018 11:41 AM, Andy Higginson wrote:
... I know that some people don't like this, however I work on the basis that is there is an issue with a batch of drives, then you are not going to get 2 to fail at about the same time.  You have 3 companies to make your choice from - Seagate, Toshiba and WD, and all of these will be from totally different factories so you shouldn't come unstuck.
For what it's worth, the storage company Backblaze produces a quarterly hard drive failure rate report that is publicly available.  Backblaze currently has over 400 petabytes (400,000 terabytes!) of online storage.  Their Q3 2017 report can be found at https://www.backblaze.com/blog/hard-drive-failure-rates-q3-2017/

Also for what it's worth, my own experience is quite similar, in that I mix manufacturers within arrays myself; I'm not alone, as $dayjob's EMC Clariion arrays have mixed manufacturers within RAID groups (we have a somewhat paltry 750TB of online storage at the moment, a drop in the bucket compared to Backblaze).  Most are ES-series Seagates, but there are Hitachi and Toshiba drives in the array.  Many have been spinning for almost ten years with low error rates (the EMC FLARE software proactively hot spares based on statistical data, so drives are typically faulted and hotspared pre-failure, but we have had a couple of dozen or so out of >300 drives hard fail in the past ten years).

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