
I think the trick to make this work would be to only run the GUI on a
Windows box and leave all the file and audio handling, all the daemons
on a Linux box.

If all the file handling that is done by the GUI (such as RDAirplay,
RDLibrary, etc) is routed through the Apache service, and with all the
audio stuff being done through CAED, then I would think that for a
Windows box it *should* be possible to specify to put those services on
a Linux box, only run the GUI on Windows (we do have QT3 on Windows). 
The limitation would be that audio and file handling would need to be on
a Linux server.

At the moment we're almost there - in rdadmin you can already specify
the location of caed and apache.  But as I understand it there are areas
in the code which don't work fully this way.

The other way to accomplish something like this with the current code is
to run X on Windows talking to a Linux box (xming or similar) or VNC and
remote desktop to the Linux box.

Lorne Tyndale

> > WSL = Windows Subsystem for Linux.  Optional free component of Windows that
> > provides a fully compatible *command-line* Ubuntu system.  Other distros
> > are potentially available, depending on their maintainers.
>  Al sent me the URL, so now I know.
> > I can see where WSL could be used for the services part of Rivendell, but
> > not the graphic displays?
>  I still think not, because...
> > On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 3:30 AM Cowboy <c...@cwf1.com> wrote:
> > >  2. Rivendell uses certain file system attributes that M$
> > >   not only lacks, but explicitly subverts, so I don't see how
> > >   this would even be possible ?
> -- 
> Cowboy
> He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the 
> dictionary.
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