I've been following this thread a little and a few things come to mind.

Once you get deep down in bugville it takes a nerd to figure things out. If it's a *nix nerd, could be anyone and since there are "man pages", about anyone can figure out most things on their own. If it's Windoz nerd, they have to have gone to the M$ certification training and have taken generous doses of Redmond supplied Cool-Aid®. There is nowhere for you to find out those "secrets" to help yourself.

Most people get all frustrated by *nix because it gives you the tools to try to help yourself. Fixing a difficult problem can be hard. If you have a similar bug in Windows most people try never try to fix it themselves, and so, are frustrated by the support system not the operating system.

If you just apply a Windows user perspective on *nix system use, all will be well. Immediately upon encountering a problem, through up your hands and find a nerd to fix it.

As for Rivendell... It's really a pretty mature product. For all the things it does it can be compared in complexity to the Office suite. You can buy a Paravel appliance with the hardware and software ready to plug and play. Or, you can buy/build your own hardware system and use the Rivendell Appliance LiveCD and the most complex issue you'll have to deal with is what timezone you're in. If you pay for support from Paravel, it is the least expensive thing you'll pay for at a broadcast station. Why wouldn't you do that, even if you are a nerd? Paravel spends a lot of time and energy keeping Rivendell up to snuff and adding features. Why wouldn't you want them to stay a healthy business enterprise?

If you want to live on the bleeding edge by trying to setup and operate one of the many excellent ports of Rivendell, you have to accept some of the risk/rewards that brings. But, you're way outside what a user could even start to attempt in the Windows world. Attempts to make Rivendell "better" by porting it to Windows ignores a lot about how Windows is supported. Are you ever going to find a nerd that can help you support your Windows port of Rivendell? You're way past pointing fingers at Redmond at that point.

Bill Putney - WB6RFW

District 2 Commissioner - Port of Port Townsend
Chief Engineer - KPTZ
El Jefe de Contenido - Port Townsend Film Festival
Private Pilot-Single Engine Land | Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic / Inspection 

On 6/4/18 6:47 AM, Cowboy wrote:
On Mon, 4 Jun 2018 05:58:33 -0700
Mike Carroll <druidl...@gmail.com> wrote:

WSL = Windows Subsystem for Linux.  Optional free component of Windows that
provides a fully compatible *command-line* Ubuntu system.  Other distros
are potentially available, depending on their maintainers.
  Al sent me the URL, so now I know.

I can see where WSL could be used for the services part of Rivendell, but
not the graphic displays?
  I still think not, because...

On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 3:30 AM Cowboy <c...@cwf1.com> wrote:
  2. Rivendell uses certain file system attributes that M$
   not only lacks, but explicitly subverts, so I don't see how
   this would even be possible ?

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