
  In another thread I had mentioned that I was disappointed to see the appliance CD/DVD development abandoned.  I do understand their were technical reasons to do so, but it was a WONDERFUL way to easily install and get to know Rivendell from an operational standpoint.  I have been long wanting to pursue Rivendell for our own group, but was always afraid to do so because of my lack of familiarity.   Well, be careful what you wish for...

  I know this has been covered in the past, but is there any progress on the possibility of a RPM package, complete with all dependencies needed for Rivendell?

Longer explanation [pertaining to my/groups needs]:

  I have been trying to work around the limitations of our current automation systems for years.  Its a MS-DOS based system, and although rock solid, just wasn't designed with today's modern "internet era" in mind.  I did play around with Rivendell once, and just as I was making some headway, it was snatched from me and sent to the other side of the country for a station out there.  I was not comfortable with "tinkering" with a production system, so that is when my learning experience ended.

  Our group is ready to move forward in looking for a newer system.  Based on seeing my work with Rivendell, they want me to put one together for a station as a test bed and possibly migrate our entire group to it.

  So, my options are to use the new install script method, OR possibly using the old broadcast appliance [which I still have a copy of].

The thing with the old appliance is it contains an older version of Rivendell.  There are much desired features in newer versions. I know I can always install, then patch, but that brings me to the latest current version [whatever that happens to be at the time of update].  Same goes for script install.  I end up with the latest current version.

I know this is highly desirable, but me personally, I prefer uniformity.  If you use the same software on identical hardware, you end up with uniform, repeatable results.  Its just easier for me that way.  So after I install a system, and I install another 6 months later I can be assured the exact same results.

I looked into possibly creating my own appliance, but that is way over my head.

I also looked for RPM packages, and it seems like this ground has been covered before, but its been a long while since anyone seems to have done anything with them.

Oh, and for the record, the only RPMs I'm interested in would be for Redhat/CentOS/Scientific linux.  I don't know if Paravel would accept that method of install [but I hope so] so I could have the security of a support contract.



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