Ahhhh, its that last paragraph that I overlooked.

I will give the install script a go.

To be completely honest, what scares me most is updates.  While rare I'm sure, a failed update on a production machine could be disastrous.  Yet at the same time if you don't update at all [don't fix something that isn't broke] yet station A has features that station B doesn't [because they are on different versions], then they complain.

I just need to take a leap of faith...


On 10/3/2018 10:56 AM, Fred Gleason wrote:
On Oct 3, 2018, at 11:24, Alan Smith <alansm...@flinn.com <mailto:alansm...@flinn.com>> wrote:

In another thread I had mentioned that I was disappointed to see the appliance CD/DVD development abandoned.  I do understand their were technical reasons to do so, but it was a WONDERFUL way to easily install and get to know Rivendell from an operational standpoint.

I don’t disagree! Unfortunately, the “innovators” at M$ effectively made that approach impossible when they decided to ram UEFI down the industry’s throat.

  I know this has been covered in the past, but is there any progress on the possibility of a RPM package, complete with all dependencies needed for Rivendell?

Such have been available for well over a decade - it’s the foundation of the entire ‘script-based install’ system. The RPMs live in the Paravel-Broadcast repository, at:


In theory, there is no reason that one could not take an otherwise fully configured RHEL7 system, subscribe it to that repo, and then install Rivendell by doing:

yum install rivendell

That in fact is the exact command that the online installation script uses to install the software.

I say ‘in theory’ because there is much more to getting a working Rivendell setup than just installing the software RPMs. For example, the DB backend (MySQL/MariaDB) must also be provisioned and the Rivendell DB initialized. Most users are going to want things like Windows shares so production editors can connect and upload audio. How about creating and permissioning the audio store correctly? Etc, etc. It is precisely to handle these myriad subsidiary details that the installation script exists.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |         Chief Developer             |
|                           |         Paravel Systems             |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|       -- Cicero                    |

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