
The more options or criteria required to make a selection from the library the longer it will take.

If you have 2000 songs it will be faster then if you have 20,000

2 hours for a days log is 'typical' on a computer with a basic amount of ram and an early 64 bit processor.

You can make it go faster by using lots of RAM >8GB [and fast ram] and the latest Intel processor.

We cut creation time by about 1/4 with a high spec machine. It cost! Most of our machines are ex lease

In the normal scheme of things we run log creation 8 days in advance scheduled to commence at 1am and if it takes the computer a couple of hours I don't care as I am fast asleep!

There is a system promoted by it's creator as 'faster than Rivendell' to create a log which it is, because it does not use MySQL or any other database.

Personally I would rather have all the features  MySQL enables.


On 3/20/19 12:37 AM, Stan Fotinos wrote:
Hi all

I have just experimented using scheduler codes to create music clocks. What I 
am finding is that it takes approximately 5 mins to create 1 hour with 20 music 
tracks per hour and approximately 2hrs to create to create a day’s music log.

If I only use a group or groups with no codes it takes approximately 30 seconds 
to create an hour clock.

Could some one please tell me if this is the amount it should take to create 20 
tracks per hour? Anyone else experienced anything similar?

Centos 7 Rivendell 2.19.3

Thank you

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