I've been doing something like that for World Classical Network since 2007. At one point there were as many as 14 stations (currently just 4) running the same music but different local content. Each station has a Rivendell box with a copy of the music library; the voice tracks are rsync'd through a reverse SSH tunnel to each box from a central server.

I wrote a Perl script that compares the CUTS and CART tables of the remote database to those on the server, and updates them when a cut is updated. I also have a Perl script that imports daily logs as text files from the server and uses rdlogmanager to import them into Rivendell.

I also have a script that can synchronize the LOGS and [day of week]_LOG tables between a master Rivendell system and a remote one (typically maintained as a backup at a transmitter site). All of these scripts were written for Rivendell v2; I have not looked at Rivendell v3 to see if they will still work.


Я там, где ребята толковые,
Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
Где песни рабочие новые
Страна трудовая поёт.

On Wed, 14 Aug 2019, BNSF 6421 wrote:

I'm about to pitch Rivendell to a client who is facing an automation dilemma
as his current systems are running Win 7 that is falling out of support in a
few months. 
He is currently running Storq using the network Voice tracks and spots which
they are migrating the music, network spots and voice tracks off a Wegner
Sat/IP receiver/server box that will feed out audio and break contact
closures to whatever system he uses to trigger local breaks. He has 5
stations in 4 locations that are using identical setups but for 4 different
music formats. So I'd like to suggest to him to set up Rivendell essentially
identical but have the local imaging carts be different at each location but
if there is a way, I used to think there was, to have his commercial
inventory synchronize between the different locations. So that if a spot
were updated at his main location it would automatically propagate through
the other machines with him having to remotely log into each and update
them. He also would generate logs from his main location and I think that it
wouldn't be too hard to push that across either. I think he might have to
have a VPN to make all this work well. Is there anyone out there doing this
with Rivendell. I can't say I have as all the Riv intallations I've ever
done have been with all stations running standalone with no sister stations
or multiple stations running server/client in a single building, but never
across the WAN.


Matthew Chambers, CBT, NR0Q
M Chambers Communications Engineering LLC
PO BOX 311, Atlanta, MO 63530
Office (660)239-4911 Mobile (660)415-5620

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