On Sun, 18 Aug 2019, Fred Gleason wrote:

That will likely need significant rework as the DB schema for handling log
rows is completely different in v3.x _vis a vis_ v2.x. Long term, your best
bet will be to use the WebAPI and eschew direct database access entirely.
The WebAPI is publicly documented and maintained so as to preserve backward
compatibility across Rivendell versions. 

What I need to do is make a field-by-field comparison of the log in the local database with the one in the remote database, and be able to tell that any differences are due to someone updating the local database. I looked at the WebAPI but couldn't figure out a way to make it do that. The current script works very well on Rivendell V2.

I suppose I could use the WebAPI to generate a text file of the local log, transfer it to the remote site, and feed it through rdlogmanager, but that strikes me as crude and inefficient.

I often put backup Rivendell systems at transmitter sites; if something goes wrong at the studio, they can press a button or two and run programming from the transmitter site, complete with current voice tracks, spots, etc. This capability has saved butts at several stations.


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