Hi Mark,

you need a bigger drive. I started with 1TB and am now running 4TB which cost less that the 1TB at the time it was purchased!

We are at about 80,000 cuts which is a reasonable size.

There are reams of reasons not to use 'compressed' files. #1 is compressed = leave stuff out.

I have clients with  systems that use other formats. The difference is noticeable.

Some motherboards are not able to manage drives greater than 2TB. There are ways around this.

Optimum system has a big drive mounted as /var/snd which stores audio.

Do not panic about audio you have already imported. You can rename /var/snd install the new big drive then copy files over.

How many tracks do you have in the WO system? What format are they in? You may find they are 22050 sample rate as well as being mp3 @ 128kbs.

Over time if you can get back to the source audio and import that you will notice a big difference


Robert Jeffares

On 27/11/19 2:00 PM, Mark Murdock wrote:

OK, need some help. I’ve been using rdimport to import a bunch of songs from our SS32 system into Rivendell, and just as I was about to finish up, I started getting an error that said, “Audio Converter Error: No space left on device, skipping [file name].” The drive is a 1.5 TB drive, and there’s plenty of space left on it, but when I looked at the properties of /var/snd it said that 49.5 GB had been used of 53.7 GB, and that there is only 133 MB left (99% used). Is there a way to expand the space allocated for /var/snd? Is there a solution for this?


Mark Murdock


90 E. 16^th St.

Merced, CA 95340

(209) 723-1015

m...@celebrationradio.com <mailto:m...@celebrationradio.com>

Website <https://celebrationradio.com/>

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