On Thu, 28 Nov 2019 08:18:53 -0500
"R. Choy" <rixy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In /var is the symbolic link:
> lrwxrwxrwx.  1 rivendell rivendell    9 Dec 16  2018 snd -> /sda4/snd
> Is this right?

 That part is fine. It's correct/

 What I'm not seeing in the rest, ( though the e-mail comes through badly 
formatted )is a disk
 mounted on /sda4/snd in the / directory !

 I do see
 /boot/efi/dev/sda2       100G   60G   41G  60% /home/dev/sda4
 in which case ( although the sda2 and sda4 seem wrong ) the symlink should be
 lrwxrwxrwx.  1 rivendell rivendell    9 Dec 16  2018 snd -> /home/dev/sda4/snd
 I will say that /home/dev is confusing in itself.


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