Well, I have been thinking further and trying to remember...

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 6:10 PM Timothy Elwell <telw...@pilotproductions.net>

> Hi Frank,
> ASI cards should only required for MP3. MP2's patent expired a number of
> years ago and was added to Rivendell as soon as the patent expired. MP2
> should be usable on any recent RD system (I don't remember the exact
> version it was added, but I know it's worked well for me on v2+).
> For the format it stored in, as I understand it, the MP2 is stored in a
> wav container, not as a wav format. I haven't tried it with a Pi yet,
> but have been working on that build to try MP2 on the Pi for a specific
> use case I have.

IIRC, we had it running on a Pi and the files were stored as MP2.wav

It has been a long time since that machine was powered up though so I may
have mis-remembered something. Still worth a quick experiment on that Pi.

> Others are more informative than I am, I know. But hopefully this will
> help you a little.

all the best,


> Tim
> On 2/27/20 4:43 PM, Frank Christel wrote:
> > Noob question: why are ASI cards required to play MP2 files?
> >
> >  From the “Features and Benefits” list on the Rivendell home page:
> "Support for both PCM16 and MPEG Layer 2 audio formats (MPEG Layer 2
> support requires the use of select sound cards available from AudioScience
> Inc.).”
> >
> > (ASI cards are required by BSI’s Simian to play MP2s on Windows, too.)
> >
> > Is the MP2 format so old there are no software decoders? Or is MP2
> processing so intensive in real time that it must be offloaded to an
> external sound card?
> >
> > Is there a way for a RasPi Rivendale node to play MP2s without first
> converting the files to WAV?
> >
> > Frank Christel
> >
> > ______________
> >
> > On 2/26/2020, at 5:49 PM, Fred Gleason <fr...@paravelsystems.com> wrote:
> >
> > ...Not all ASI cards are supported in any given driver version. For
> CentOS 7 setups, we provide three, v4.13.0, v4.20.10 and 4.20.21 (with
> v4.20.21 being installed by default). Any ASI-5XXX or ASI-6XXX card (the
> ones with the orange colored mu-metal shields) should be able to work with
> one of those drivers, although sometimes some experimentation is required
> to find out which driver does the trick… That said, ASI-4XXX cards (the
> ones with the blue mu-metal shields) are NOT supported in Rivendell at all.
> >
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