Following my post yesterday, I'm still having trouble creating events they way I want them in RDlogmanager. All I want is an event that selects a random audio cart and puts it in a clock with a segue transition. The problem is I can't set the transition type for the first cart in an event if it's imported from the library and doesn't have a hard start time. The menu box to allow me to set "first cart has a ..... transition"  is always grayed out and always defaults to a play transition if a hard start is not set.

I don't want to use play transitions for the hours of automation, so what should I do? Has anyone else run up against this problem with Rivendell v3? I imagine anyone automatically scheduling music will have encountered it.

I would like to know what versions of Rivendell don't have this problem. It looks like I'm going to scrap v3 and go back to an earlier version. What does everyone else use?


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