
Thanks for this information. I'll do some more digging on my system.


On 3/30/2020 1:36 PM, Chuck wrote:
   This sounds like a problem I had way back with v2.10.3, which Cowboy
said he also encountered in later versions.  It's a file that actually
exists in the audio store, but which the Library and AirPlay say does
not contain audio.

   Here was my experience.  There are some songs that I want to do
things to--like add reverb to the last note that might end in a way
that makes it sounds chopped, or raise the volume on a fade-out to keep
the level up until the desired segue point.  In the library, I would
copy cut 1 and paste to a new cut 2, operate on cut 2 to achieve the
desired result, then weight the original cut 1 to zero so it never
played, but preserving that original track.  I never had a problem in a
couple years on v2.10.2, but in 2.10.3, that cut 2 paste would show
0:00 length and when opening the marker editor, it would claim there
was no audio present in the cut--even though the cut 2 track existed in
the audio store, and played fine with other software, showing no

   Now what's worse, is that this did not always happen.  I could
reboot, and sometimes things worked normally, as expected.  But often
when pasting into cut 2, the length would show as 0:00 and I knew RD
would never, ever admit there was actually audio on that cut.

   This sounds like it could be similar to the problem you are having.
My experience was that once the Library said that cut had no audio, no
amount of rebooting or database checking would make it say that already
existing pasted cut was playable.  But rebooting sometimes cured the
problem of the Library pasting a 0:00 track into a new cut.

   I'm just moving to v3.3, so I have not had enough time with it to see
if that problem still exists.  I never saw a fix reported, only
Cowboys' report that he had seen it, too.


On Mo, 30 Mar 2020 01:25:09 -0700
Rich Stivers <> wrote:


Thanks for these ideas. I'll try them and get back to the group.


On 3/29/2020 4:54 AM, drew Roberts wrote:

no pointers exactly but a few questions that might help isolate

Will it play from rdlibrary?

You may need to configure sound cards for some of them.

Can you set markers in rdlibrary?

Do this with the file that does not play and to a file that does
and compare:

$ mediainfo /var/snd/017197_001.wav
$ mediainfo /var/snd/017198_001.wav

Do you see any obvious differences?

You may need to install mediainfo.

all the best,


On Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 5:05 AM Rich Stivers <
<>> wrote:

     This problem started recently. When I hit Start on a cart that
     queued in RdAirplay, the cart does not play and goes away.

     In /var/log/messages I see these entries for the cart I
     to play:

     Mar 27 20:35:40 rdhost rdairplay: finished event: Line: 0?
     428214? Cut: 1 Card: -1? Stream: -1? Port: -1
     Mar 27 20:35:40 rdhost rdairplay: LogPlay::StartEvent(): no

     The wav file for this cart exists and will play with the 'play'
     play /var/snd/428214_001.wav

     rddbcheck passes without errors. I'm running Centos 7 with
     Rivendell v2.19.3

     Does anyone know what this error means, rdhost rdairplay:
     LogPlay::StartEvent(): no audio,CUT=?? Does 'no audio' mean
     it thinks the file is missing, or it found a problem with

     Thanks for any pointers,

     Rich Stivers
     KKUP-FM Cupertino/San Jose CA

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