Hey Chuck,

On 5/11/20 8:35 AM, you wrote:
Well, my understanding is that rddbcheck does not exist in v3, replaced by a new GUI configuration tool, which does not include the "check"--only Create, Backup, Restore, and Close.

I"m not sure this will help, but there *is* an equivalent in 3.X: rddbmgr. It's even got a manual page: "man rddbmgr" for more details.

I've got over 50,000 carts and my database has been around 400mb for years. Using rddbcheck in v2 did not reduce the size substantially.

Concur. Cleaning up the database with rddbmgr probably won't help much to decrease the time spent creating logs.

Tried to step back to v2 over the weekend, but the v2 appliance install did not work, with the "rivendell-install" yum file missing and causing an error.

Reinstalled v3.3 appliance and now output levels to the same sound card are about half what they should be (and were on the previous install), and mysqld is back up at 97% CPU. Version 3 is just plain troublesome.

MySQL (and MariaDB) is a complex beast. I suspect this may be your problem, not Rivendell proper. Take a look at some of the documentation on the MySQL website or the knowledge base articles at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/optimization-and-tuning/

For example, you can see what MySQL/MariaDB is up to with the "show full processlist" command in the command line app "mysql". It's difficult to troubleshoot database problems via email: feel free to contact me off list if you want more specific help.

  ~David Klann

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