On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 9:18 AM Sojo Gold <sojog...@live.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm having a few games with rdimport please could you guys give me a heads
> up!.
> My command line;
> [rd@rivhsr ~]$ rdimport --verbose --segue-level=-10 MUSIC *.mp3
> /home/rd/music_import/"1987 - Alphabet City"/
> My Audio file structure;
> music_import/
>                         1987 - Alphabet City/
>                                                              ABC -
> Alphabet City - 01 - Avenue.mp3
>                                                              ABC -
> Alphabet City - 02 - When Smokey Sings.mp3
>                                                              ABC -
> Alphabet City - 03 - The Night You Murdered Love.mp3
> etc...
> My verbose output;
> rdimport started
> RDImport v3.4.0
> ....
> ...
> Import Create Dates mode is OFF
> Files to process:
>   "/home/rd/music_import/1987 - Alphabet City/"
> rdimport finished
> [rd@rivhsr ~]$
> However, there are no carts in RDLibrary
You need to finish the rdiimport string. IE.
  [rd@rivhsr ~]$ rdimport --verbose --segue-level=-10 MUSIC *.mp3
/home/rd/music_import/"1987 - Alphabet City"/*.mp3

Also, you have to work on the directory containing the audio files, it will
ignore any subdirectories.

> This is where a few questions arose..(which I cannot find in the listings
> or wiki)
> 1. do I need to be root/sudo

> 2. Do I need to be in the directory of the actual mp3's
Not if your command includes the path (it appears to)

> 3. Will this work over a samba/nfs share.
I don't know

> I also tried the Perl importer (nested-import.pl) and found it will not
> work as per *rdimport* and it will not parse the rdimport options like
> *--autotrim-level=-30* either.
> Some help would be appreciated muchly..
> Chris Perkins
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