On Wed, 27 Nov 2019, Cowboy wrote:

What *I* would do, ( a little "Cowboy" engineering ) I would create
a directory /home/snd then copy everything from /var/snd into it.
Very non-standard, but it'll work.

Once that's done, delete ( yep, delete ) /var/snd altogether.
rmdir /var/snd

Now link the 1.4T /home/snd partition in place.
You can't make hard links across systems, so
ln -s /home/snd /var/snd

I have done exactly this on more than one system, and it does indeed work.

My preference these days is to go buy a 250 GB solid state drive and install Rivendell on that, leaving the 1.5 TB for just audio files. I then create a startup.sh script in /root which maps the 1.5 TB drive to /var/snd and have root run the script on reboot via a cron job.

In addition to mapping the drive to /var/snd, the startup script can do things like starting x11vnc to enable remote desktop access.

The reason I don't use /etc/fstab to map the audio drive is that if the drive cannot be mounted for some reason, the machine will not boot and I can't troubleshoot it remotely.


Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы
И Linus великий нам путь озарил;
Нас вырастил Stallman на верность народу,
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил.

Check the permissions on /home/snd
/var/snd being a symlink is going to show incorrectly, but the files
that are apparently in it will show correctly.


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