On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 10:19:39 -0700
"Lorne Tyndale" <ltynd...@tyndaleweb.com> wrote:

> Your problem is clear from the lines:
> > /dev/mapper/centos-home  1.4T  4.5G  1.4T   1% /home
> > /dev/mapper/centos-root   50G   50G   39M 100% /  

 Yep !

> You have 1.4TB allocated to /home (where you've only used 4.5GB of that
> 1.4TB), but only 50GB allocated to your root of /
> /var/snd is a folder off /  so for sure it'll run out of space quickly.

 CentOS is not very fixable in this regard.
 The philosophy seems to be to blow everything away and start over.
 If you can, then do that.

 What *I* would do, ( a little "Cowboy" engineering ) I would create
 a directory /home/snd then copy everything from /var/snd into it.
 Very non-standard, but it'll work.

 Once that's done, delete ( yep, delete ) /var/snd altogether.
 rmdir /var/snd

 Now link the 1.4T /home/snd partition in place.
 You can't make hard links across systems, so
 ln -s /home/snd /var/snd

 Check the permissions on /home/snd 
 /var/snd being a symlink is going to show incorrectly, but the files
 that are apparently in it will show correctly. 


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