Hi Fred,

On 11/23/20 7:30 AM, you wrote:
> On Nov 22, 2020, at 19:21, David Klann <dxkl...@pm.me 
> <mailto:dxkl...@pm.me>> wrote:
>> This *seems* like a reasonable approach! But ... the hitch is that the
>> ALSA driver also uses the Audio Science firmware blobs. The snd-asihpi
>> driver expects firmware files to be in /lib/firmware/asihpi. And as soon
>> as I drop the file "dsp5000.bin" (the firmware for the 5020 card) into
>> that directory Rivendell seems to "see" it and RDAdmin->Manage
>> Hosts->[hostname]->Audio Resources reports that the Audio Science driver
>> is loaded (even though I've explicitly blacklisted the asihpi driver):
>>       AudioScience HPI [4.14.03]
>>       JACK Audio Connection Kit [Generic]
>>       Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) [1.1.8]
>> Note that even though I have the latest hpklinux driver package loaded
>> (4.20.10-1.el7.centos from the Paravel repo), it appears to be picking
>> up the version info from the firmware blob.
>> I realize that I can move the firmware blob out of /lib/firmware/asihpi
>> and load the snd-asihpi driver *after* Rivendell has started. That *kind
>> of* works.
>> Do you have any other thoughts on my understanding about what's
>> happening with the firmware blob?
> You’re right! I’d forgotten all about the firmware aspect.
> This is going to be a tough one to manage in any kind of way that avoids 
> weird, one-off processes. The firmware is absolutely needed by all ASI 
> cards to work (regardless if it’s via HPI or ALSA). It would 
> theoretically be possible to implement HPI support in a way that would 
> merely use the firmware supplied by the ALSA package, but that is going 
> to run into version issues sooner or later (the firmware supplied by 
> CentOS is typically quite old compared to the current version being 
> shipped by ASI; which often means that newer model cards will not work 
> with it). Perhaps we could provide an update to the CentOS firmware 
> package with the current ASI firmware?
> Another possible approach would be to make the HPI driver a ‘soft’ 
> dependency (similar to the way the MPEG libraries are handled). That 
> would involve some code changes in Rivendell.
> No easy answers here I fear.

Thanks for your thoughts on this. So far it's mainly an "academic 
project", but there was enough about it that was compelling to me that I 
thought I'd follow through with it.

I've got it working, though it's a very manual process right now. It's 
kind of fun seeing the ASI card in the JACK connection graph, and now I 
can send the output from RDAirplay to both the studio console *and* the 
stream encoder (thanks for GlassCoder too!) without a super convoluted 
setup (well, I guess everything is relative... :)

The only other oddity is that since the ASI 5020 card is *so old*, I
haven't found any recent firmware -- it's at 4.14.03, which works, but ...



> Cheers!
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