Hi Michael

On 12/17/20 1:02 PM, you wrote:
> Yes, there are more.
> One program I need to download has a troublesome file structure.
> There is a folder for the program, then a folder for each week beginning
> on Monday. The weekly folder holds the files for that week. For example:
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1214_program_episode-name.mp3
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1215_program_episode-name.mp3
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1216_program_episode-name.mp3
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1217_program_episode-name.mp3
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1218_program_episode-name.mp3
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1221_program_episode-name.mp3
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1222_program_episode-name.mp3
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1223_program_episode-name.mp3
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1224_program_episode-name.mp3
> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1225_program_episode-name.mp3

This looks to me like:


This only works if "program_episode-name" does not change from episode 
to episode. At this time, Rivendell does not support arbitrary 
differences in download filenames. Does this program have an RSS feed? 
If so, I might be able to help with a script I wrote specifically for 
downloading and ingesting audio from an RSS feed.

   ~David Klann

> etc.
> I can't figure out how to set up a wildcard to deal with the weekly
> folder with Monday's date.
> This is a popular program that quite a few stations carry, so I'm sure
> there must be a way to automate it.
> Thanks for any ideas.
> Michael
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