tut tut

On 18/12/20 12:50 pm, wa7skg wrote:
I need to keep this all within rdcatch, no scripts or exotic solutions. If it can't be done in rdcatch, then the staff will have to go back to manual daily downloads like they were doing prior to Rivendell.

you write a shell script that downloads every week on the same day to a local folder

renaming as necessary

then carting each daily episode

and sending you a 'done' message; or a 'squawk'

all done as a cron job in the background no user intervention.

the producer has to be consistent in their labeling. I have one who is a bit erratic. There are some "but if" in that script.

you can wildcard anything in a filename in bash.

rd catch does well with the sane stuff.

some providers, especially ones whose 1st language is not English can be somewhat fey.

bash is very powerful.

if you need a hand send me the url of the download site, the names of the files you want and the GROUP and Cart Numbers you want them in. New cart each day not new cut each day although that can be done.

I can send you a script with comments so you can see how it's done and use the same ideas over again.

rdcatch and dropbox are both very useful but the syndicated stuff or the stuff you are leaching from somewhere may need something  a little more serious.



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