Unfortunately, upgrading the old database to 2.19.3 and then upgrading it to 3.6.5 didn't solve the problem. I am still experiencing the same symptoms.

If I start rdairplay in a terminal window, select Sound Panel. click on Setup to start it slashing, and then click on [S:1] Panel S:1 to change its name, the following message appears in the terminal window:

QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
for query: select `CONFIG_PANELS_PRIV` from `USERS` where `LOGIN_NAME`=""

LOGIN_NAME = ""? Shouldn't it default to 'user'?


Не думай что всё пропели,
Что бури все отгремели;
Готовься к великой цели,
А слава тебя найдёт.

On Tue, 19 Apr 2022, Fred Gleason wrote:

On Apr 18, 2022, at 16:12, Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com> wrote:
      I have an old machine installed at WCVR running RD 2.1.5 under Centos 6. 
It was built in 2017.

      I want to replace it with a new machine I've just built that runs RD 
3.6.5 under CentOS 7. Both machines
      have the same name ("farancia.sugarrivermedia.com") but different IP 

      In pursuit of that goal, I backed up the old RD 2.1.5 database, copied it 
to the new system, imnported it
      with rddbmgr, and converted it to the current database version.

      I'm finding that some things don't work; in particular, rdlibrary sees no 
groups and no carts.

      The SoundPanel buttons in rdairplay don't work properly. The System panel 
buttons are all blank, and cannot
      be modified from rdairplay. The User panels are likewise blank, but can 
be modified.

      Has anyone else experienced these issues?

Sounds like something got borked in the database conversion. That’s a very old 
Rivendell version that you upgraded from
(schema version 205). The DB converter routines in v3.x (and v4.x, for that 
matter) support schema versions all the way
back to 159 [v1.0.x], but only schema versions 242 [v2.10.x] and later are 
really well tested. If possible, I would try
converting that DB using the latest v2.x version (v2.19.3), *then* use v3.6.5 
to convert it to ‘current’.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

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