Am Freitag, 13. November 2015, 11:08:08 schrieb d_jan:
> > ok, so I have now pushed the first "complete" draft of the Workspace
> > browser including search functionality into git master. (I'm sure you'll
> > find some details to improve, though).
> uh, really neat!

yeah, looks and feels really awesome!

the only thing i find a bit counter-intuitive is the green arrow symbols here 
-- i had to try them to see that the *upward* arrow *unfolds* the evironment 
*below* itself. this would be much clearer to me if the folded environment was 
indicated by an arrow heading right and the unfolded one by an arrow heading 
down. like you're used to from unfolding objects, e.g. in the very 
environemnts shown below.

what i really like here is how the search field matches names if they simply 
contain the string, without the need for regular expressions. for consistency, 
this should also be the case in the package search field.
however, this seems to make it impossible to actually use regular expressions 
at all -- this should probably be configurable in the extended options ("match 
text" vs. "match regular expression")

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf

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