On Sat, April 28, 2007 17:36, Ratiu Petru wrote:

> O scosesera, au reintrodus-o anul trecut:
> Sayeth the changelog of mdadm 2.5.3.git200608202239-1 (21 Aug 2006):
>    * Instead of trying to do a whole lot of magic with respect to detecting
>      RAID devices to start, mdadm from now on requires a valid mdadm.conf file
>      to be installed. It still tries to do what it can, but there are no
>      heuristics anymore. See /usr/share/doc/mdadm/README.upgrading-2.5.3
> Adevarat, si mie mi se paruse stupida faza, m-am certat cu
> maintainerul vreo ora pe irc, dupa care mi-a demonstrat ca are
> dreptate :) La mai putin de o luna am patit exact povestea cu pricina,
> mi s-au renumerotat md-urile. Trust me, nu e funny cand nu esti langa
> ele (eu din fericire eram).
> S-a introdus un extra step la upgrade sau la chroot installs (unde
> oricum trebuie sa fii atent la scamatorii cu bootloaderul si
> initrd-ul), dar ai mai multa consistenta.
> Petre.

Sounds reasonable to me. Evita un potential singlepoint of failure - desi
singura situatie cand o asemenea posibilitate s-ar putea manifesta cred ca
este cea cu RAID peste mai multe controllere. Damn PCI / BIOS variations :(

Andrei Pascal
Romsym Data SRL

Life is like arriving late for a movie, having to figure out what was going on
without bothering everybody with a lot of questions, and then being
unexpectedly called away before you find out how it ends.

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