2010/2/7 Petru Ratiu <rpe...@gmail.com>

> 2010/2/7 Dragos Chiriac <dra...@secured.ro>:
> >
> > Amanda mi se pare mai usor de invatat/folosit. Ambele au o curba de
> > invatare destul de abrupta, iti ia ceva pana le intelegi pe bune. Daca
> > vrei sa foloseti sistemul de backup ca scula de disaster recovery,
> > trebuie sa inveti chiar si mai multe. (E diferenta intre backup si
> > disaster recovery).
> Chestia asta mi-a adus aminte de citatul urmator:
>   Everyone hates backups. They are inconvenient. They are costly. Services
> run
> slower—or not at all—when servers are being backed up. On the other hand,
> customers love restores. Restores are why SAs perform backups.
> [...]
    Although the goal is to be able to restore lost data in a timely manner,
> it
> is easy to get caught up in the daily operational work of doing backups and
> to
> forget that restoration is the goal. As evidence, the collective name
> typically
> used for all the equipment and software related to this process is “backup
> system.” It should really be called “backup and restore systems” or,
> possibly
> more fittingly, simply the “data restoration system.”
> (Limonceli, Hogan & Chalup - "The Practice of System and Network
> Administration, 2nd ed." - pg. 619)
> Ce vreau sa zic e ca e usor sa uiti ca scopul nr. 1 al unui sistem de
> backup e sa recuperezi _repede_ datele de acolo.

Corect ! Si sunt extrem de putini cei care fac un plan de backup gindindu-se
si la restore. Pentru ca daca ei in calcul restore-ul, deja costurile cresc
ametitor (numar de tape-uri, timp de restore, numar de drive-uri in tape
library, backup al tape-urilor, DR, etc).

> PS: Omul n-a pomenit de DR, hai sa nu ne mai laudam ce cuvinte
> complicate stim. Si ca sa nu se lase cu injuraturi data viitoare cand
> mai vedem, nu mai recomanda raid ca backup ca n-are nici o legatura
> (si ce zici tu e o reteta sigura sa-ti scurtezi timpul pana cand vei
> avea nevoie de backupul ala).
> --
> Petre "don't thread on me" Ratiu
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