I deleted the VM, and started from scratch again...  This time following the Tex installation instruction at the bottom of the ManualHowto page
Downloaded from CVS, and build the H1x0 build, zipped it - no errors, 125 seconds
I then built the manual, with no errors (other than the several hundred that seem normal in a manual build!!)
Right, stage one complete...  Now to get the files back over to XP...  tried the \\debian\user share again, again it failed Grrrrrrr!!
A quick Google for "smb file share XP" turned up the hit Internet firewalls can prevent browsing and file sharing.....
Switched off Zone Alarm, tried again - it works!!
OK, a little more playing to configure ZA to allow the share and I am in business...
Next step - Simulators...
Thanks for all your help, I actually have started to feel a little more comfortable working back on command line...

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of XavierGr
Sent: 24 March 2006 01:24
To: Rockbox development
Subject: Re: VMWare Environment

Yes you are right. At the time I was answering you I didn't know exactly which packages were needed.

From a quick search on the rockboc cygwin setup wiki I found that in order to build the manual you need: tetex-base and tetex-extra. (around 50MB)

For the network thingy: Are you sure that your windows machine has all the right services on for networking. I had problems recognizing the linux machine because I have shut down most of windows services.
To be sure if it is a windows issue you can download putty type debian and push open. After a while a terminal will pop up asking you to login.

On 24/03/06, Mark Bright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I entered 'apt-get install latex' and got the response:
Package latex is a virtual package provided by:
  tetex-bin 2.0.2-30sarge4
You should explicitly select one to install.

So I then typed 'apt-get install tetex-bin' and some time later It finished!

Since your reply, I tried the same magic incantation with tetex-extra, and
that is now installing again...  How do you get to know all this stuff!!

Tried to make it again, and this time it ran thro' to the end, and told me a
91 page pdf had been produced, but also *loads* of errors all the way...

Time to give it up for the night I think!

|-----Original Message-----
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Martin Arver
|Sent: 23 March 2006 21:59
|To: Rockbox development
|Subject: Re: VMWare Environment
|Hello Mark,
|I think palatino.sty is contained within the tetex-extra
|package. Did you install that as well as tetex-base?
|On 3/23/06, Mark Bright < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> Uhmmm, tried \\debian and \\debian\user neither worked.
|> Managed to get latex installed - quite pleased with myself over that
|> one - the command you gave was not quite perfect, but got me close
|> enough to work it out - thank you
|> tried the manual again, but this time it failed with a missing file
|> Palatino.sty ' !!
|> Tried to compile the manual in Cygwin and that also failed, but for
|> differing errors...
|> OK, clean download of source, and back to Cygwin for now by
|the looks
|> of it...  Happy to be a guinea pig and do some 'novice
|testing' if and
|> when something changes
|> In the meantime, I have downloaded the Ubuntu image, and I will
|> continue my experiments in Unix with that :-)
|> Mark
|>  ________________________________
|> [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of XavierGr
|> Sent: 23 March 2006 20:36
|> To: Rockbox development
|> Subject: Re: VMWare Environment
|> Start->Run-> \\debian
|> You don't need the exact IP to see your Linux files. Just type the
|> name of the linux machine which happens to be "debian".
|> The VMware image is very handy to build firmwares, but its current
|> status has some limitations.
|> As you describe your manual problem I assume that the latex
|> aren't installed.
|> Type apt-get install latex (or something like that) to see
|if there is
|> an available package for installation.
|> The same applies to the simulator. You can't build the sim without
|> downloading some packages, like Xserver, libsdl e.t.c
|> The VMware image is quick too set, fast to compile but has,
|> no manual or sim.
|> Cygwin is slow as hell but a complete solution.
|> Until the VMware image is updated with some packages I can't
|> it a complete user-friendly solution.
|> On 23/03/06, Mark Bright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> > |> Mark
|> > |I am assuming that windows is your "host os" and linux is the
|> > |"guest os" ?
|> > |Are you trying to use the builtin host - guest file
|sharing through
|> > |VMware workstation? Or are you trying to setup Samba file sharing
|> > |from / to Linux?
|> >
|> > Thanks for the reply...
|> >
|> > First I should state that my knowledge of *nix in general is
|> > extremely limited - part of the attraction of the rockbox
|> > development environment is being able to build that knowldege up..
|> > And secondly my knowledge of VMWare is close to none - I simply
|> > followed the instructions on
|> >
|> http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VMwareDevelopmentPlatform
|> > and started -and finished :( - there...
|> >
|> > I am guessing that I am attempting to setup Samba:
|> >
|> > <Quote>
|> > To make it easy to access the files in the virtual Linux operating
|> > system, we have included Samba. We've configured the user's home
|> > directory as a file share.
|> >
|> > This means that you can edit the source in your favorite Windows
|> > editor (that supports UNIX formatted files!) and compile in the
|> > virtual machine.
|> >
|> >     * Share name: \\ip\user
|> >     * Share username: user
|> >     * Share password: rockbox
|> > </Quote>
|> >
|> > I really am paddling around in the dark here :-)
|> >
|> >

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