On 23/08/06, Andreas Stemmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jonas H wrote:
> Jonathan Gordon wrote:
> > This is a bad option.. all settings should be available on the DAP. A
> > nicer option is maybe having 2 sets of options, "simple" and
> > "advanced" where the only difference is some options are not visible
> > in "simple" mode.
> The reason I dislike (despise is probably closer, in fact) the
> "Simple/Advanced" system that simply adds more options when advanced is
> enabled, is that you have no idea where to look for advanced options and
> they are usually not easy to find. There needs to be somewhere to go
> where you can see the advanced options. I'd like an "Advanced options"
> menu much better, from a UI standpoint.

While I agree that all settings should be available on the device, I
also dislike the "Simple/Advanced" system. My experience with
applications that have such a menu system is that I usually activate the
advanced menu the very first time because I want to try everything out
and never switch back to simple mode. So I'm perhaps a user who needs to
be forced to have a tidy menu ;-)

We already have config file for the wps, I don't see any problem moving
some other options to config files as well. A special cfg-editor plugin
would be a good idea for changing the settings on the device itself.

I foresee long discussions about which options should be kept in


I have no problem with having heaps of options. I like having that
much power....
I guess a dedicated plugin to do the hidden settings would be ok.. but
if you do that why not just move the entire settings system to a
plugin? (rhetorical, i know its a bad idea)

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