On 8/23/06, RaeNye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I strongly agree with the notion of "frequently changing" vs. "set-once"
A couple of related ideas:
- Sort options by last access time (after a while, your personal favorites
will always be on top)
- Have a MRU (most recently used) options submenu.

MRU is a great idea! That's more flexible than my idea and has the
same effect eventually.
But it is not easily peossible to code with the current menu system.

I have suggested on IRC (but not yet gotten around to a feature request)
that it would be useful to be able to configure a "home" directory and
have Rockbox boot to that home directory instead of the root.  I would
use this to boot directly to the /settings directory.  This would make
it easy to quickly select, for example, my headphones.cfg or car.cfg.

I do this already, I put .cfg files in the themes dir and use my
record button patch to access them on a long press of the record
button. If you don't have an iriver the patch won't work for you,
though. And it is out of date atm, too :-(


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