Linus Nielsen Feltzing wrote:
mat holton wrote:
how many hi-fi's have negative numbers next to the volume knob? None, that's how many.

That's odd. Then maybe my hi-fi isn't a hi-fi, because it displays the volume in dB. And I like it.

We could use any representation we want, and we opted for a representation that actually means something, instead of an arbitrary range. Most people tend to use the volume control interactively anyway, you change the volume until it sounds right, regardless of what the display says.


Sarcasm, I see, clever.

So I'm wrong about hi-fi's displaying dB scale. There are also audiophile's that spend £50 on a piece of speaker-cable or buy little boxes to rest speaker their cable on. These kind of people would probably appreciate a dB scale. Most, I'm guessing, would prefer to not have to deal with negative numbers.

Once again though, I don't mind, I can deal with seeing a negative number when I would expect to see positive numbers. This is simple an opinion about what I believe most people would be more comfortable seeing.

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