On 15 May 2007, Menachem Shapiro said:

> I created a file called 98-rockbox.rules and put it in
> /etc/udev/rules.d. I experimented with different things, trying to use
> the VID and PID of the usb device as an identifier. I ended up with
> something like tihs:
> SUBSYSTEM=="usb",  ATTRS{idVendor}=="05ab", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0060",
> RUN+="/home/mshapiro/rockbox_scripts/rockbox_downloader.sh"
>>From your helpful information below, it looks like I am trying to use
> the wrong block to identify the device, which is probably why it
> wouldn't work. I was hoping to use the VID and PID of the device as an
> identifier, since that information is unique to the device, but that
> may not be possible. I will try out different things and report how it
> went.

You can use whatever block you like, but all the keys have to come
from the same block. (Or you could upgrade udev, as later versions
don't have this limitation.)

`In the future, company names will be a 32-character hex string.'
  --- Bruce Schneier on the shortage of company names

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