alex wallis schrieb:

But are the Titles for this Boxes correctly spoken ?
Do you mean the titles for the combo boxes? if so, no none of the titles for combo boxes are spoken.

Could you please make sure again, that you are using the new version of rbutil (the link bluebrother gave you). Because the newer version shouldnt have a "useSapi4" checkbox :-)

Then please report exactly which combobox titles are not readout into the patchtracker entry i posted early. Please describe in which screen you are, and use something like "go to Cancel, press tab two times" to describe which combobox you mean. We need to know exactly which one doesnt speak its title, so we can fix this.

When you say menu do you actually mean the menu bar with options such as accessibility and extras etc. In my mind I think of the menu bar as being separate from the tabs, but allowing you to do the same as you can normally on them.

I am sorry, with this i meant the main-screen, so not any Menu :-).
If you are on the first Tab (Quickstart, the one with complete and small Installation) you press ctrl+tab 5 times, and get to the Tab with the Manual information. The tab after this, contains the Info screen.

Speaking of the build system and pool support, can you please tell me the exact syntax I need to use to get it working? as I am sure I am putting in the right commands, but cygwin doesn't seem to be using them, and is not placing the voice clips where I tell it.
To get the buildsystem to use a POOL of voiceclips, define a enviroment variable named POOL which points to the directory you want to store the clips.

So in cygwin type:
"export POOL=voice" before you type the "make voice" command.

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