Since most of use don't use cygwin, if you want detailed help then you should 
be providing detailed information. Could you give us a sequence of screenshots 
of what happens as you go through the cygwin install? This might give us a clue 
as to where the process is falling down.
Hi, and thanks for your response.
I realise many people do not use Cygwin, but I thought my original message was 
reasonably self-explanatory and meaningful to those who did. Granted, I could 
have posted any errors, etc in the setup.ini file that's created and I take 
that on board.
Creating screenshots? And how do I add them to the message when many people 
read their mail in plain text and attaching them would make the message 
unacceptably large?  But I guess that's where photobucket or my own web hosting 
comes in.  Of course, that's once I've gotten around the challenge of creating 
the shots in the first place given I'm partially sighted and use high 
But to get back on point, Dominic did give me an idea to try which is to try 
installing an older version of Cygwin, notably 1.5.25-14 which is the latest 
non 1.7 build I can find at the moment.  I'll post back my results once I'm 
done, and once the keyboard's batteries are recharged.
Thanks again.

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