On Sat, Oct 09, 2010 at 02:40:59PM +0200, Frank Gevaerts wrote:
> I'll go through the list later today and try to identify further blockers.

OK, I looked through the list of bugs opened since June 1st. I don't
really see any other blockers.

The crash bugs all seem to be the usual bunch of codec crashes and one
or two database crashes. If we block for those, we might as well not do
releases any more. There are some other crash bugs, but those seem to
have been present in one or several releases already. While it would be
great to see those fixed, they're not regressions since 3.6 and I think
therefore also not blockers.

So my shortlist of bugs to be fixed is:
FS#11608 Fuze v1 playback issues.
        Easiest is probably to revert r28000 on the release branch
FS#11589 Early USB broken (no statusbar & crash after disconnect)
        *very* annoying on one (or more?) targets (at least Ondio)
FS#11592 %pf (Player: full line progress bar) not working
        If I understand this one correctly, there is *no* progress bar
        on the Player right now. While technically this is no worse than
        the other "tag X does not work" issues, I don't think we can get
        away with a non-working progress bar.
FS#11591 Screen corruption after switching themes
        *Only* a blocker if it can be established that this does indeed
        affect a large number of people. I can't reproduce this on my
        Clip apparently, and I currently don't have access to any other
        monochrome DAP.


"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan

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