On 13 December 2010 22:06, Jonathan Gordon <jdgo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20 November 2010 21:11, Jonathan Gordon <jdgo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 20 November 2010 15:11, Teruaki Kawashima <kame...@r6.dion.ne.jp> wrote:
>>> (2010/11/20 0:04), Dave Hooper wrote:
>>>> It sounds good to me. It lets you play a playlist starting at any track
>>>> you
>>>> wish rather than necessarily the first. Of course, playing from the first
>>>> track is probably a common use-case, for which we could add an item on a
>>>> context menu perhaps.
>>> If the Shuffle setting is on or there is bookmark, the selected track would
>>> not be the track which get started, so selecting track is no use here.
>>> I usually set shuffle:on and repeat:shuffle. When i want to start playback,
>>> just select a playlist i want and let it go.
>> ok, so at most you would have to do one extra click which isnt all
>> that terrible compared to the benefits for everyone else. But that is
>> a moot point now because I've taken LLoreans suggestion and only open
>> the .n3u if you select it in the playlist catalog (if this is how you
>> view your playlists already then it is 2 or 3 presses less anyway).
>> Currently my patch (not uploaded yet) does almost everything except
>> add the "insert to current playlist" context menus from the
>> filebrowser into the playlist viewer.
> I havnt done any rockbox work in a few weeks so I've quickly uploaded
> the synced patch to flyspray incase anyone wants to take over this
> patch. http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11808

Final bump before commit.... Just waiting on some usability testing
and the needed manual changes. patch is I think complete otherwise.

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