Draga Codruta,
Mie mi se pare interesant ca d-na Porfir in loc sa isi
argumenteze pozitia, face apel la solidaritatea
romanilor care au pasapoarte romanesti, traiesc si
muncesc in Romania si mananca o paine aici. Corect,
dar mi-as dori sa ne arate clar ca e nevinovata caci
altfel nu cred ca trebuie sa fim solidari cu dumneaei
pt simplul motiv ca avem pasapoarte romanesti ci
dimpotriva, ne face sa ne fie rusine ca avem
pasapoarte romanesti daca ceea ce spune domnul Cobello
este real iar dumneaei nu se poate disculpa.
Iata in varianta copy-paste mesajul initial al
domnului Cobello:

Dear Friends from Romania, My name is Stefano Cobello
and I am coordinating a network of schools in Verona
Italy. I am writing to you beacuse we had such a
disgreasful experience in our last grundtivg 2 meeting
in Romania: The responsible of this  was a romanian
lady , Lia Elena Porfir, representing 2 organisations
Phoenix Carita Society - Horezu -Branch ( Horezu town
T. Vladimirescu str. B1.R2 - Office Ramnicu Valcea n.
Balcescu, str. 28/ap. 217 Valcea Region tel / fax
0040250861945, moble 0040724467833) and the Active
Education Centres Network and creative tourism in
Romanian Rural area IFS and FONPC member
the second adress is: Moldova : Ceahlau, Bicaz and
Brosteni - Dobrogea: Costanta - Oltenia: Horzu,
Pestisani/ Obita e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Here in attachment underneath you will find all the
e-mail justifying what i am saying.

1 this persons in order to organise the parnter
meeting asked us a contribution of 100 euro each
beacuse she did not received any money form the
national agency
2. she asked us from Budapest to Valcea 110 euro per
person ( we refused it) and we agreed of 300 euro
return minubus, but at the enf was a single way and
350 euro.
3. she organzed a stay for us, 11 persons, in a hotel
Capela, which was disgusting place, dirty, somoked,
and we had a bad dinner at our arrival, unberable
food. Rooms and blankets were broken and dirty.
4. she asked us 41 euro per person for the hotel
breakfast included, and we have found the the "hotel"
price was in reality only 16 euro per person breakfast
Then she asked us 6 euro per person for the cofeee
break, 10 euro for dinner per person and 6 euro for
5 She also asked us 200 euro for the translator, 3
nice 17 years old students  that she was going to pay
8 dolalrds per day, 3 days working, taken from a
school, with the head master  approval.
In the moring we decided to look for another hotel,
this one was impossible  to  bear. Lia told me: You
will not find any hotel here, in 10 minutes afterwards
were already were in a decent and cheaper hotel. 
6. she told us that she was not guilty of it because
she gave the task to organise everything to a local
agency, that at the end we found didnot exist.
7. at this point we were to upset and decided to
exclude the romanian partner form the project group,
and seh was coming again asking us money, she also
blackmail the young students, because we decided to
give to them the 200 euro right away. 
NOw, i have met a lot of romanian persons and parnters
and this is my first time of such an experience. I
wanted to go to the police, but i am italian you know.
So i ask you to disseminate on the network to every
network you know this information in order to evoid
that this woman could destroy the image of a
marvellous country with extraordinary clever persons.
Best regards Stefano Cobello
Verona - Italy

1st e-mail by Lia

Dear partner,
If you like to visit Bucharest it is OK.You change our
plan for first day.We know very good our town and our
region,but not Bucharest town-Bucharest is not our
We have the possibility"a fenster"in the first day
when you arrive in the morning and all the group will
arrive  in the night in Ramnicu Valcea .If you like,in
the first day including the visit Bucharest  ,only 
for you ,please decide .
If you agreet that please comunicate me urgently.We
will make some arrangement in Bucharest.

2nd e-mail

After some time I understand what you talked :
You like to visit Bucharest and come to Ramnicu Valcea
together all the group .It is OK.The minibus will come
to Bucharest to the airport  at 19.00 h.
I regret so much ,but it is impossible to organise the
meeting in Bucharest.
Maybe B. will find a solution.Nobody  sent us the
brief description of institution .In this case it is
impossible to organise the massmedia meeting or  local
authority contact.I dont know who are the partners for
who I make some efforts.Please make an small efort 
and put in email short information about projects
about partners,objectives and beneficiares.We need
time for translate its.Take with you the broshures and
others .
The  actions for 28 aprilie are free .Sorry for my
See you in Ramnicu Valcea.
if it is

3rd e-mail

Buna dimineata (good morning),from Romania 

Dear B., Is there any room in the minubus for us? can
we book another one? Why don't we think to go
together? I still miss some information, who can gove
them to me?

Please dont be worry.

You will be divded in two teams .The morning team ,5
italians people will be wait to airport by our
volunteer when they will arrive .A minibus will wait
.Be cause they have the departure in the morning too
in 01 may  ,we will rent a minibus for comback .Every
group will have a volunteer to guide and to offer the
support .
1. Where re we going exactly , town hotle and so on

You will arrive in Ramnicu Valcea town ,from 250 km
away Bucharest .It is a old town ,very famous and very
nice.Here ,we have two theatres,one
philarmonique,three museums,two universitates ,three
colllegiums and 7 high schools .

Here is the city of romanian chimie too.Here is the
place of salt mine ...effect,the  place of unic rocs
in Europe ...,the unic  wood monastery...the caves 
.you will look with your eyces.
2. Shall we plan to go together there? 

General plan :every day we will have the theoretical
course and in pm we will organise the practical
workshops ,focus-group with beneficiaries from here
,visits,short meeting with officially and massmedia
,traditional cultural moments ,surprises -I will send
a plan 
3. In case of negative answer how can we reach the
train or bus station? Does anyone can give us any
iformation? I have 4 persons with me asking daily

Not exist negativ answer .We are responsible from your
arrive until your departure.

The price for rent the small minibuses are :300
Euro/Rm.Valcea -Bucharest -comback.

For every people who coming in the morning or in the
lunch time of 28 april ,the costs have plus the
breakfast and lunch :lunch=10 Eu and brakfast = 2 x 3

The polish and german people :rent a small car 

The italian -rent other minicar 

Program 28 .04.2005 

Polish team

28.04.2005 -arrive airport  13.45 h /lunch  Bucharest/
vist village museum  and comback  19 h to airport for
take the german people in the car 

Italian  team

28.04.2005 -arrive airport  09.00 h  direct to Ramnicu
Valcea  -program visits and discussions /lunch and

German people 

28.04.2005 -arrive airport 19 h -direct Ramnicu Valcea

4th. mail


Dear friends,

Very good ideas you have ;restricted what I will offer
not payed by you .The meniu translated is our
surprise.For what that decision ,if you not pay? This
socio-cultural moments are our specificity and
traditional colour.

Be attent to prices for romanian people finded by me
and negociated special for you:

1.travel aeroport-Rm.Valcea-aeroport  (28 apr-
01.may)118 EU/person

2.intern travel  two days- 64 Eu/pers  

3.accomodation singl .room  35 Eu/day x 3 days = 105

4.breakfast -6 Eu x 3 =18 Eu /person

5.dinner  7-8 Eu x 3 =21/24 Eu/person

6.lunch 10 Eu x  3 =30 Eu/person (one lunch -packet in
time travel to airoport

7.breakcoffe 6 Eu x 3 = 18 Eu/person 

8. rent the fleapchart and salle part of day :18,2

9 translation 50 Eu/person /all period 

12 mapes,visits,cultural afternoons and workshops
organisation in rural area  -contribution of Phoenix


Aprox. Total cost 445 Eu /person 

Please correct me if I maked the  mistakes.

Thank you and good afternoon and wekend .

I hope you will like  here in a nice romanian region.>

All the best.


--- Codruta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bine-bine - dar, daca Lia tot a aparut pe lista,
> poate aflam si noi care este de fapt situatia? Cu
> atat mai mult cu cat poate fi scrisa si in romana
> (daca Dl. Cobello tot o cunoaste)
> E interesant ca eu am primit toate comentariile,
> numai mesajul initial (al D-lui Cobello) nu :(
> Am inteles ca erau prezentate niste lucruri / fapte
> cu ocazia unei intalniri intr-un proiect G2 - ce e
> adevarat din ce a zis si ce nu? Luat pe puncte...
> Codruta
> --  
> "Let me know, that at least, she will try
> Then she'll be a true love of mine"
> www.arin.ro

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