On 23.03.2006, at 00:10, ARIN wrote:

> Repet: a "nega" ceva NU inseamna "apologia" a altceva!
> [...]
> Insa in privinta lui DI ne contrazicem degeaba! Pana la urma, exact, 
> CE a
> facut tipul acela? a indemnat pe cineva la ura de rasa sau ceva de 
> genul
> asta? sau doar a spus ca el "nu crede" ceva?

"Austria has Europe's toughest law criminalising denial of the 
Holocaust. Irving went on trial for two speeches he delivered in the 
country almost 17 years ago. He was arrested in November last year 
after returning to Austria to deliver more speeches despite an arrest 
warrant against him and being barred from the country."

"In the two 1989 speeches he termed the Auschwitz gas chambers a 
"fairytale" and insisted Adolf Hitler had protected the Jews of Europe. 
He referred to surviving death camp witnesses as "psychiatric cases", 
and asserted that there were no extermination camps in the Third 

[...] "Last night Irving's partner Bente Hogh said he had brought his 
imprisonment on himself by going to Austria despite the ban. She said: 
"He was not jailed just for his views but because he's banned from 
Austria and still went. David doesn't take advice from anyone. He 
thought it was a bit of fun, to provoke a little bit.""

[...] "Judge Peter Liebtreu called Irving "a racist, an anti-Semite, 
and a liar", citing the verdict delivered by Justice Charles Gray at 
the high court in London in 2000 when the historian lost a libel case 
against an American writer and academic and was bankrupted."


Fax 11 Mar '94 14:14-Australian Embassy ViennaRepublic of Austria

Federal Ministry of Justice
File No.0.21703/2-IV 1/94

Australian Embassy
in Vienna

With reference to the note verbale of 4 March 1994 the Federal Ministry 
of Justice advises that the Province Court for the City of Vienna 
issued an arrest warrant against David IRVING on 8 November 1989 and 
forwarded it to the Austrian Security Service. The arrest warrent for 
the above named was put into force on 9 November 1989. The arrest 
warrant could not be executed. The Federal Ministry of Justice has not 
been informed of the entry into Austria of David IRVING after the 
arrest warrant was issued.

The Federal Ministry of Justice would like to take this opportunity to 
present its compliments.

10 March 1994
For the Federal Minister
[textul original:]

Republik Österreich
Bundesministerium für Justiz

0.21703/2-IV 1/94

An die
Australische Botschaft

Mit Beziehung auf die Verbalnote vom 4.3.1994 beehrt sich das 
Bundesministerium für Justiz mitzuteilen, daß das Landesgericht für 
Strafsachen Wien am 8.11.1989 einen Haftbefehl gegen David IRVING 
ausgestellt und den Sicherheitsbehörden übergeben hat. Die 
Ausschreibung des Genannten zur Verhaftung im Inland ist am 9.11.1989 
erfolgt. Der Haftbefehl konnte bis jetzt nicht vollzogen werden. Von 
Einreisen des David IRVING nach Österreich nach dem Zeitpunkt der 
Erlassung des Haftbefehls ist dem Bundesministerium für Justiz nichts 
bekannt geworden.

Das Bundesministerium für Jüstiz benützt diese Gelegenheit, die 
Versicherung seiner vorzüglichen Hochachtung zum Ausdruck zu bringen.

10. März 1994
Für den Bundesminister:


# # #

[din verdictul procesului] Irving vs Penguin & Lipstadt:

(inter alia:)
-- What is meant by the term "Holocaust denier"
-- The question whether the statements made by Irving qualify him as a 
"Holocaust denier" in the above sense
-- Irving's denial that he is a Holocaust denier
-- The oral and written statements made by Irving which are relied on 
by the Defendants for their contention that he is a Holocaust denier 
and the evidence relied on by the Defendants for their assertion that 
Irving's denials are false.
-- The existence of a systematic programme or policy for killing Jews
-- The numbers of Jews killed
-- The assertion that the gas chambers were a propaganda lie invented 
by the British


# # #

Chomsky criticism, Faurisson affair

> Codruta


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